Over all, I have to give these items a big 'Thumbs Down' for use in an outdoor display. While they may be great for using at an indoor party (where some of them CAN become a little irritating after a while), I've discovered that they are relativey useless in an outdoor display.

     The problem(s) that I have found in using them outside is that because of the general lights and mood music and/or sound effects, the motion/sound activated items are either always going off or never going off. In the case of the lighting, most of my lights are in front of the different displays (between the display and the people viewing them) and therefore no difference in light (motion) can be detected by the items. This might be overcome by placing a small light or sound source neat the item's sensor and then manually activating the source, but that sounds like too much work involved in the operation of the display because the item is not self sufficient.

     If you have better luck with these items, then go for it and use them as much as you can, but with the exception of one talking pumpkin and my bride and groom skeletons (which make a nice display even if they don't 'talk') I have sold the rest of my motion activated items at yard sales.