The Aquarium Garden


The 'Aquarium Garden' began with a simple request from friends...

A gift of a small table top aquarium several years back had set empty ever since. Finally deciding to put it to use, and realizing the commitment required if actual live fish were involved, they decided to go another route.

aquagarden Lovers of flowers and birds, they asked me to help create a nature scene within the fish tank's walls.

Halfway through the project I discovered that what they probably had in mind was a scene involving a large branch or two and several nearly life-sized birds. Unfortunately, I had misunderstood the concept, assuming that I was becoming involved because of my interest in - and creations of - miniature scenes. Hopefully, while not their original concept, they are not too disappointed by the outcome.

The 'Aquarium Garden' not only features birds and flowers, but other 'creatures' of nature scattered throughout the miniature vignette.

For perspective, the aquarium stands about 13-1/2 inches tall including the hood (the actual plexiglass viewing area is 9 inches high) and 8-1/2 inches across the hexagonal tank's diameter. The scene is lit from above with a 15w tubular bulb in the hood.

The Aquarium Garden
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